Hello world! I’m Emma, the founder of Easy Crumb Easy Dough, created on April 19th, 2022. I have a passion for baking. It brings me joy to see people enjoy my food, and trying new recipes is always exciting!

Ever since I was little I’ve loved sweets. There are stories of my parents walking into the pantry, only to find me with a spoonful of sugar… not sure I should share that (relatively embarrassing) story…

I started this blog for a few reasons. One being that I wanted an easy way to send family members and friends my recipes. The other being that I just really enjoy writing my recipes out and putting a little bit of my personality into every post. I’m currently in school so I apologize if my posts are very random, but I try to post at least once a month.

Thanks so much for taking the time to checkout my little corner of the world!

Happy Baking :)))


Also….check me out on Instagram @easy.crumb.easy.dough